Why do I need a blower door test?
Imagine it’s winter time and it’s really cold outside. So you put on the biggest sweater you own and walk out to get the mail. Once you’re out there the wind picks up and chills you right to the bone. All of that heat the sweater was keeping in is now gone and so is your faith that your biggest sweater works to keep you comfortable. That’s exactly how insulation works in a home with air leaks, worthless.
Now, there are many tests and calculations that are performed in regards to a home. To focus on HVAC related instances there are several. Manual J - to calculate your heating and cooling load. This outlines the amount of heat gained/lost through a homes walls, ceiling, windows, etc. Manual S - to select the proper equipment for the results found within the Manual J calculations. This contains information sizing, airflow, and static pressure information to assist in selecting the correct heat pump, boiler, furnace, etc. Manual D - to size the duct work of the system. This has the information to ensure proper sizing for noise and sufficient flow to each register or vent in the home.
None of these calculations account for air leaks in a house. Without a blower door test you cannot accurately find how much air leakage your home has. Sure you could seal a few items that you find here and there on your own, but how much did it help? Were they large enough to make a difference? Did they even leak at all to begin with? How much money are you wasting heating and cooling your home due to air leakage alone? These are things you cannot find out without having a test done. You could have the most up to date insulation installed in your attic, but enough leaks to still have enough leaks to equate to the size of an open window. You wouldn’t leave a window open in the middle of winter, why would it be okay then to have enough leaks in the home that equal the same amount as the window would?
See how this home wastes almost $600 in heating due to air leaks? This kind of information is only available if you perform a blower door test in your home.
According to Energy Star, air leaks account for up to 40% of the home's energy costs. Up to 40%! If someone came to your home and told you that they could show you what to do to save up to 40% on your utility bills, would you tell them to pound sand? Probably. But it's true. Finding and correcting air leaks in the home is one of the easiest ways to save money on your utility bills. Less energy wasted to recondition the air that is infiltrating your home converts directly to money saved.
Now you know that a blower door test is essential to energy saving, do you know what a blower door test is? If not, check out our article What is a blower door test. Then, let SIY help you see how airtight your home is. Feel free to drop an email to info@siy.biz or fill out the form in our Contact Us section and schedule a consultation with blower door test. We will provide you with the information and guidance to tackle your project cost-effectively for both your wallet and your energy savings. Not in our service area and still want us to help assist you? No problem, take our Online Energy Audit and your customized audit report will show you annual savings for other projects in your home.